Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ten Little Fingers............Nursery rhyme

Nursery rhyme Ten Little Fingers ...........describes the complete Human body, teaches the number of each body part to the child, in a rhymic way.
Good Night rhyme.


Ten Little Fingers,
Ten Little Toes,
Two Little Ears,
And One Little Nose,
Two Little Eyes that shines so bright,
And One Little Mouth,
To Kiss Mother 'Good Night'.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Donkey! Donkey!...........rhyme

Donkey! Donkey!...........rhyme. This nursery rhyme is about donkeys.

Donkey! Donkey! What do you do?
Carry loads for all of you,
Donkey, Donkey what do you eat?
Oh! Grass and leaves and carrots so sweet,
Donkey, donkey I love you,
Oh! Thank you boy, I love you too.

Elly! The Elephant...........Nursery rhyme| Nursery rhyme on Elephants

Nursery rhyme, Elly the elephant.............. is a rhyme which tells about the big elephant. How children enjoy seeing an elephant and taking a ride on the elephant. English Nursery rhyme on Elephants.

Elly! The Elephant,
Goes this way and that ,
She's so very big,
She's so very fat,
She sways her trunk,
From side to side,
She takes us for a jolly ride.

Tags: Elephants rhyme, English rhyme